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Merry Christmas from Camino Nova Scotia!

Warm Solstice Greetings!

Dear past pilgrims, pre-pilgrims, potential pilgrims, and pilgrim-positive people, I write this on the fifth day of Hannukah, the first lengthening day of solstice, and the first day of Christmas vacation at Nova Scotia universities. The whole Northern hemisphere is yearning for light, in more ways than one. I hope that you experience a lightening of worries and stress, and a sense of hope and joy as we approach 2023. Pics from our 2022 walks: Please enjoy these photos from our 2022 Nova Scotia caminos. The North Shore Way, Pictou County, late October 2022: photo album here! Annapolis Valley Pilgrimage, early October 2022: photo album here! Pop-Up pilgrimage, Halifax area, June 2022 (pic below):

What’s next?

Watch our website for news of 2023 walks. Pandemic permitting, we plan to have short walks, long walks, and at least one or two stationary retreats featuring daily walks. That’s not to mention a book launch and pilgrim reunion for founder Rob Fennell’s forthcoming book on local pilgrimage! Walk well, Camino NS 2022 Staff and Volunteers, Matthew, Kathleen, Sheila, Shawna, Nicole, Lewis, and Rob

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